They were arranged according to how often i use them . 使用頻度順に並べていた えッ...
Of thrived and throve over time . “thrived”と“throve”の年ごとの使用頻度です
The top 200 will allow you to comprehend 特に使用頻度上位200位までで
Then , when that was finished around 1975 , the use of the tramlines was even further diminished . それも1975年前後に終了すると、使用頻度が更に低下した。
The frequency in which migyosho were used gradually increased as the use of kudashibumi and gejijo decreased . 次第に御教書の使用頻度が増え、下文・下知状は衰える。
However , some regions are forced to use such a drying machine frequently due to a dense fog , the lack of sunshine and so on . 濃霧や日照不足などの理由で乾燥機の使用頻度が多い地域もある。
Compared with other kansai areas , this form of respectful expression is more mundanely used in kyoto , but with less degrees of respect . 日常的に多用される尊敬語表現で、関西の他地域よりも使用頻度が高いと同時に敬意度は低くなっている。
As the line was used at a low frequency due to the nature of ko-shu railway transport , sabitori-ressha operated between oji and the otori stations . 甲種輸送の性格上、路線の使用頻度は低かったが、線路保守のために錆取り列車が王寺 - 鳳駅間で運転されていた。
The shops that deal with japanese clothing is generally called ' gofuku-ya ,' although the word gofuku is not specifically used to indicate japanese clothing . as frequently as wafuku and kimono . 和服そのものを指す語としては「和服」「着物」に比べ使用頻度は低いが、和服を扱う店は「呉服屋」と呼ばれることが多い。
The chinese characters used for the word are seen very rarely in japanese historical documents , and the word is most often written in katakana characters , then hiragana characters , then chinese characters . 日本では歴史的な記録としてこの漢字を見ることは少なく、使用頻度的にはカタカナ表記の「カルカ」、ひらがなの「かるか」、漢字で「㮶」(木偏に朔)の順で用いられる。