価値を高める 1 enhance the value 価値を高める 2 【自動】 upgrade 価値を高める 3 1. add value (to) 2. enhance the worth of 3. enrich the value of 4. heighten the value of 5. improve the value of 6. reinforce the value of〔~の〕
信用供与の価値を高める increase the value of credit instruments
The best thing you can do there to create value そこで価値を高めるためにまずやるべきことは
From how high they can climb over other men 自分の価値を高めることだとか
Yes , he's proven rather more worthy than we anticipated . その通りだが 逆に彼の価値を高める結果になった
In one's own life , one has fewer compunctions about inflicting them 人間は一般的に人生への価値を高めるようになります
Which makes life worthwhile . 人生の価値を高めるもの以外は」
With respect to the latter , in order to increase the value added , there are various classifications not defined in the former . 後者においては、付加価値を高めるため前者において定義されていない多様な分類が見られる。
Some of the firearms that bear the name " kunitomo " are believed to have been made by gunsmiths who were not born in kunitomo village but learned gunsmithing skills in the village , or called by the name simply to increase their commercial value . それに、国友出身でない銃工が国友で修行して「国友」を名乗る例や商品価値を高めるための「国友」銘もあるといわれる。