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  • leakage of stool
  • 失禁     失禁 しっきん incontinence
  •      禁 きん ban (e.g. on smoking) prohibition
  • 失禁    失禁 しっきん incontinence
  • 便失禁    1. encopresis〔便意を押さえる能力が欠如している病気〕 2. faecal incontinence 3. fecal incontinence 4. fecal soiling 5. incontinence of feces
  • 失禁の     【形】 incontinent
  • 尿失禁    1. acraturesis 2. incompetence [incompetency] of urine 3. incontinence of urine 4. incontinentia urinae 5. involuntary micturition 6. involuntary urination 7. irretention of urine 8. urinary inconti
  • 乳汁失禁    乳汁失禁 incontinence of milk[医生]
  • 仮性尿失禁    false incontinence
  • 切迫尿失禁    urgency incontinence
  • 受動失禁    passive incontinence
  • 大便失禁    1. copracrasia 2. incontinence of faeces 3. incontinence of the bowels 4. involuntary defecation
  • 失禁パンツ    incontinence pants
  • 情動失禁    1. affective incontinence 2. emotional incontinence
  • 感情失禁    affective incontinence
  • 活動性失禁    活動性失禁 active incontinence[医生]
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