Here , it is called conveniently kaichitsujo . ここでは便宜的に華夷秩序と呼ぶ。
Nengajo are accepted after the period for the sake of convenience . それ以降も便宜的に受け付けてはいる。
It is a classification of historical periods utilized only because it is convenient . 単に便宜的に用いられているに過ぎない時代区分である。
Therefore , in this article the name daidarabocchi will be used for the sake of convenience . このため本稿では便宜的に名称をダイダラボッチとする。
When the tale ends , he is still on the throne , therefore he is often called kinjo no mikado for convenience . 物語終了時をもって在位中の為、便宜的に今上帝と呼ばれることが多い。
This name is conveniently given by researchers , and are not used by the temples or devotees . この名称は研究者らによって便宜的に付与されているものであり、該当の寺院およびその信者はこの名称を用いていない。
The term , tozama , was not used during that period , but as a matter of practical convenience , it is used like this today . 同時代には外様と言う表現は使われていないが、現代では便宜的にこのように言われる。
These roads were sometimes called ' oshu-kaido road ' for descriptive purposes because they were on the extended route of oshu-kaido road . 奥州街道の延長路に当たるため、これらの街道も便宜的に奥州街道と呼称することもある。
Moreover , it is said that he was conveniently named ' yoshitsugu ' in later years not to be mixed up with yoshinao satake , the family head of the eastern house of satake . なお、佐竹東家の当主佐竹義直と混同しないように、後世、便宜的に「義継」と名付けたという説もある。
Incidentally , some tozama daimyo , who were the tokugawa clan ' s blood relatives or persons of high achievement , were treated equivalently to fudai daimyo , and were also conveniently called jun-fudai daimyo (quasi fudai daimyo ). なお、血縁関係や功績などにより譜代に準ずる扱いを受けている外様大名について、便宜的に準譜代大名と呼ぶこともある。