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  • base of one's belief
  • 信仰     信仰 しんこう (religious) faith belief creed
  • 基盤     基盤 きばん foundation basis
  •      盤 ばん record tray shallow bowl
  • 不信仰の     【形】 irreligious〔religious(宗教的な)に否定を表す接頭辞 ir- がついた形容詞。宗教的なことをあえて否定する様子を表す。irreligious な思想を持つ人を指す語として、atheist(無神論者)や agnostic(不可知論者)がある。〔神性の認識は不可能だと唱える人〕〕
  • 信仰のある     【形】 believing
  • 信仰の力 1    power of belief 信仰の力 2 power of someone's faith〔人の〕
  • 信仰の厚い     【形】 1. Godward 2. religious
  • 信仰の友    brother in faith
  • 信仰の告白    profession of one's faith
  • 信仰の場所    religious site
  • 信仰の強さ    power of someone's faith〔人の〕
  • 信仰の復活    faith revival
  • 信仰の感覚    sense of faith
  • 信仰の要素    faith factor
  • 信仰の象徴    symbol of religious belief


  • This is because many japanese people engage in rituals of multiple religions , holding the seven-five-three festival and other seasonal festivals at shrines and visiting shrines at the beginning of the new year based on annual events and rituals developed in the natural climate from ancient ethnic religions of japan , and by the influence of the temple guarantee system in the edo period , holding funerals and bon festivals (a festival of the dead or buddhist all soul ' s day ) with buddhist rites .
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