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  • without religion


  • They noticed that some people didn't have christianity
    キリスト教の信仰を持たない人々が いることに気づいて
  • Even if you have no religious belief
  • Then you'll agree it's a sad thing to be an unbeliever , to have no faith .
    信仰を持たないことが悲しいことだと わかってるね ええ
  • Look , you can accuse me , you can take samples , belittle who i was in the past , but you do not get to belittle my faith just because you have none !
    私を告訴すればいいし DNAサンプルも取ればいい 昔の私をけなしてもいい でもあなたが信仰を持たないからと言って
  • Look , you can accuse me , you can take samples , belittle who i was in the past , but you do not get to belittle my faith just because you have none !
    私を告訴すればいいし dnaサンプルも取ればいい 昔の私をけなしてもいい でもあなたが信仰を持たないからと言って
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