内閣不信任案の提出する submit a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet
A noconfidence motion is where we , the cabinet ministers 不信任案。 我々閣僚全員のね
We will submit a noconfidence motion against the cabinet . 内閣不信任案を 提出致します。
Prime minister muto who got a nonconfidence motion 「内閣不信任案で 総辞職に追い込まれた武藤総理が
Noncofidence against the current mutou cabinet . 内閣不信任案を提出致します。
For a prime minister which has just received a noconfidence motion 内閣不信任案を 可決されたばかりの総理が
A parliamentary motion of nonconfidence against the cabinet has been passed 「内閣不信任案が 可決されました」
With this , it's time for parliamentary motion of noconfidence against the cabinet . 「こうなったら さっさと内閣不信任案出して
Using an imperial edict as an excuse , he pressured yukio ozaki and his allies to withdraw the vote of non-confidence . 尾崎行雄らに対して詔勅を盾にして不信任案を撤回するように圧力を加えたのである。
To avoid confronting the vote of non-confidence , katsura resorted to a desperate measure of suspending the diet for five days . 桂は不信任案を避けるため、苦し紛れに5日間の議会停止を命じた。
In 1893 , the parliament passed a no-confidence motion against chairman hoshi who was suspected of having received bribes in the soma incident . 明治26年(1893年)に相馬事件の収賄疑惑によって議長不信任案が可決される。