But it says murohashi hayato . that's a personal account . お前 諸星 隼人って 個人名義やないか。
But it says murohashi hayato . that's a personal account . お前 諸星 隼人って 個人名義やないか。
Thanks to the properties i had in my name 個人名義の不動産のおかげでな
I name it the tanegashimachine3s ! 可以以個人名義來繼續製造
I did it with my personal name to not cause trouble for you but ... 皆さんにご迷惑おかけしないよう 個人名でやったんですが
I did it with my personal name to not cause trouble for you but ... 皆さんにご迷惑おかけしないよう 個人名でやったんですが
If it were ever referenced , it would be blackawton et al 引用される時に誰かの個人名でなく “Blackawton et al.” となるようにです
Although he is the first painter whose name remains today and is full of legend , none of his paintings remain . 個人名の残っている最初の画家で名人として伝説は多いが、作品は残っていない。
Myoseki (名跡: family name ) is a traditional naming convention that closely links family names of individuals with succeeding generations of a family . 名跡(みょうせき)とは家制度と密接に結びつき、代々継承される個人名。
Hime as " 日女 " (literally " sun woman " ) is akin to the later hime as " 姫 " or " 媛 " (literally , " princess " ), which is not a personal name , but a common noun . 日女とは後の姫、媛と同じで、個人名ではなく普通名詞である。