In 1998 , he held an one-person exhibition for the first time . 1998年に初の個展を開く。
[one thing lead to another , and it turns out they will be having an exhibition of my photographs .] 何が何だか 私の個展を開くことになっちゃって
[one thing lead to another , and it turns out they will be having an exhibition of my photographs .] (静流の声) 何が何だか 私の個展を開くことになっちゃって
After staying in the u .s . for one year and three months , he held personal exhibitions in several locations on the west coast , but they were not accepted by people there . 前年より米国に1年3ヶ月の滞在、西海岸各地にて個展を開くが受け入れられず不調。