支払金額で充当できるだけの個数 appropriate number of units covered by the payment
That chair is a vintage produced in limited quantities そのイス 個数限定のビンテージ物で
That chair is a vintage produced in limited quantities そのイス 個数限定のビンテージ物で
Classification by the number of finger holes (tone holes ) 指孔(手孔)の個数による分類
The period and number of construction varies . 建造時期や個数には幅がある。
Of how to read the number of prime numbers that are smaller than any given number ... 素数の個数の求め方を例に 説明するとですね
In the engi formality issued around 800 , the number of counties in each ryosei province was written . 800年頃に出された延喜式には、各令制国における郡の個数が記載された。
Also it is sometimes used for name of a cloth with one haba , and unit to count number of the cloth . 転じて、一幅分の布そのものやその個数を数える単位としても用いられる事がある。
As for juzu of the soto sect , the number and allocation of omodama , oyadama and shitendama are the same as those of the shingon sect . 曹洞宗用の数珠は、主珠・親珠・四天珠の個数と配置は、真言宗の数珠と同じ。
As for juzu of the rinzai sect , the number and allocation of omodama , oyadama and shitendama are the same as those of the tendai sect . 臨済宗用の数珠は、主珠・親珠・四天珠の個数と配置は、天台宗用の数珠と同じ。
As for juzu for the nichiren sect , the number and allocation of omodama , oyadama and shitendama are the same as those of the shingon sect . 日蓮宗用の数珠は、主珠・親珠・四天珠の個数と配置は、真言宗の数珠と同じ。