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"倍増"の例文"倍増" 意味"倍増" 中国語の意味


  • 倍増
  • 10倍増    tenfold increase
  • 3倍増    threefold increase
  • 倍増し    倍増し ばいまし doubling
  • 倍増させる    double the rate of〔~を〕
  • 倍増する    1. become twice as much as 2. increase to twice its amount 3. increase to twice its size
  • 倍増できる     【形】 multipliable
  • 倍増時間    倍増時間 doubling time[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉; doubling time[化学]〈92K3610:生体工学用語(生体化学部門)〉; doubling time[電情]; mass doubling time[化学]〈92K3610:生体工学用語(生体化学部門)〉
  • 倍増期間    1. doubling period 2. doubling time
  • 所得倍増    1. doubling of income 2. income doubling
  • 所得倍増案    income doubling program
  • 電子倍増管    電子倍増管 electron multiplier[電情]
  • _倍増える    increase __ times
  • 倍増を目指す    aim for the twofold increase of〔~の〕
  • 所得倍増政策    income-doubling policy
  • 所得倍増計画    1. doubling national income plan 2. income-doubling plan


  • Then per capita income is doubling every nine years .
  • Proteins known on earth by sailing around the
  • Which was twice the prevailing wage at the time
    当時の一般的な賃金の 倍増計画を導入しましたが
  • Which was twice the prevailing wage at the time
    当時の一般的な賃金の 倍増計画を導入しましたが
  • With this , your powers of darkness are multiplied .
    ここが最適 これで闇の力はさらに倍増
  • Your patient was doubled over in pain and coughing up blood
    患者の痛みが倍増 吐血し
  • That if only i redouble my efforts to be perfect
  • Is doubling every 15 to 20 years .
    医学および科学全般の知識は 15~20年ごとに倍増しています
  • Having goals is important
    目標を定めることは重要です [ 2012年までに自転車通勤数を倍増 ] [ 快速バス路線の設立 ]
  • If you double the co2 level in the atmosphere
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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