- When I lent I had a friend. When I asked he was unkind.《諺》
- 借り 借り かり borrowing debt loan
- とき とき 時 time hour occasion moment 斎 meals exchanged by parishioners and priests 鴇
- 地蔵 地蔵 じぞう Ksitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the
- 返す 返す かえす to return something
- 閻魔 閻魔 えんま devil ruler of Hades
- 借りる 借りる かりる to borrow to have a loan to hire to rent to buy on credit
- 地蔵顔 地蔵顔 じぞうがお gentle and round face
- 閻魔顔 diabolic [diabolical] face
- 話すときの癖 speech habit〔slurring, mumbling など〕
- 寝るときの体勢 sleeping position
- 話すときのあごの動き方 how someone's jaw would move when he spoke〔人が〕
- そのときの 【形】 then
- ときのこえ ときのこえ 鬨の声 battle or war cry
- ときの声 1. battle cry 2. hubaboo 3. rallying cry 4. war cry
- 閻魔顔 diabolic [diabolical] face