What it looks like one of my tenants got shot ... 見た通り -- 借り主が撃たれた...
What it looks like one of my tenants got shot ... 見た通り -- 借り主が撃たれた...
Room's registered to an alex renko . 部屋の借り主はアレックス・レンコ
In the nether field the borrower ネザーフィールドに借り主が
If borrowers had borrowed money from other lenders , the sahaisho told them to refunding money from the sahaisho on due date , and when a new seal of approval was given to them , the sahaisho collected service charge from both of the former lender and the borrower; for example , the lender had to pay 4 monme per 1-kanme of silver , and the borrower had to pay 6 monme per 1-kanme of silver . 差配所から金銀を貸し付けて従来よそから借り入れた分は期日に証文を改める際にしだいしだいに差配所の貸し付け銀に借り換えさせ、奥印を経る時には差配所は世話料として銀1貫目あたり貸し主から4匁、借り主から6匁の奥印料を徴収した。