借方 1 1. book debit 2. debit 3. debit side 4. debt side 借方 2 debtor〔 【略】 dr.〕《簿記》
She's not going to come back here again , right , sawadasan ? 売り上げのほとんどが 飛鳥屋が 払っている賃借料なんです。
Meanwhile , in areas that were scarce in paddies and fields - such as mountainous districts , riverside areas , coastal areas , and merchant districts - " jishi " (a kind of rent , called " zaike-jishi " ) was imposed on a house and its premises , and people were also obliged to provide non-agricultural products , such as sweetfish , firewood , and charcoal . 一方、田畠の少ない山地河海周辺や都市部では、住屋や宅地に対する地子(賃借料)を名目とした在家地子(ざいけじし)が賦課されて鮎・薪・炭などの非農業生産物が課された。