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"借銭"の例文"借銭" 意味"借銭" 中国語の意味


  • 借銭


  • They attacked liquor stores , pawnbrokers and temples , and so on , took out pawned goods , and torn due bills , calling for debt cancellation .'
  • During the war , he evacuated to sakamoto (otsu-city ), and got arikazu karahashi who was his clerk (keishi (household superintendent )) and cousin on his mother ' s side to cover 200 hiki for official matters , but in 1470 , as a condition for being forgiven his debt , he ended up handing over arikazu the nengu (land tax ) of iriyamada-mura , hineno-sho from the little remaining territory he had until the generation of his son hisatsune .
    乱中は坂本 (大津市)に避難していたが、公事用途200貫文を執事(家司)であり母方の従兄弟でもある唐橋在数に立て替えてもらい、その借銭の棒引きの条件として、文明4年、残り少ない家領のなかから日根野荘入山田村年貢を息子尚経の代まで在数に引き渡す羽目になった。
  • Debts , honsengaeshi (a trade of real estate with the agreement of buying back in the middle ages ), nenkiuri (land sold for a predetermined period , usually ten years , after which it would revert to its owner ), etc . shall be settled right now , and in the case where payment for interest and payment in harvest exceed half of the principal amount after the settlement , fields and goods in pledge and payment in excess of half of the principal shall immediately be returned to honshu (original owner ).
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