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"値幅"の例文"値幅" 意味"値幅" 中国語の意味


  • 値幅
    price range or fluctuation
  • 半値幅    1. half bandwidth 2. half breadth 3. half maximum full-width 4. half power width 5. half value of width 6. half width 7. half-hand width 8. half-power bandwidth 9. half-value breadth 10. half-value
  • 1/10値幅    full width at tenth maximum
  • 値幅制限    1. daily limit 2. daily price limit 3. maximum price change limit 4. price movement limit 5. restriction of price range 6. trading limit
  • 値幅整理    evening-up of accounts
  • 分光半値幅    分光半値幅 spectral line half-width[電情]
  • 本日値幅    day's spread
  • 電力半値幅    電力半値幅 half-power width[電情]
  • 半値幅(半値全幅)    半値幅(半値全幅) half width[基礎]
  • aとbの間の値幅    spread between
  • 共振曲線の半値幅    共振曲線の半値幅 half-width of the resonance curve[化学]〈99確K6900:プラスチック―用語〉
  • 半値幅エネルギー    半値幅エネルギー full-width at half maximum[電情]; FWHM[電情]
  • 半値幅放射ローブ    半値幅放射ローブ half-power width radiation lobe[電情]
  • 磁気共鳴半値幅    磁気共鳴半値幅 gyromagnetic resonance linewidth[電情]〈99確C2560:フェライト磁心通則〉
  • スピン波共鳴半値幅    スピン波共鳴半値幅 spin-wave resonance linewidth[電情]〈99確C2560:フェライト磁心通則〉
  • 商品先物取引値幅制限    price limit on commodity futures


  • Although measures have been taken to loosen the price regulations
    値幅制限の拡大借置が 取られていますが
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