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  • deflection defocusing
  • 偏向     偏向 へんこう propensity tendency inclination deflection
  • ピン     ピン pin
  • ぼけ     ぼけ 惚け 呆け idiot fool touched in the head from out of it from space case
  •      け 毛 hair fur 家 house family 卦 divination sign
  • ピンぼけ     ピンぼけ out of focus off the point
  • ピンぼけ    ピンぼけ out of focus off the point
  • ピンぼけ 1    1. defocus / defocusing 2. the lack in sharpness in a photo ピンぼけ 2 bokeh〔 【語源】 日本語から〕《写真》
  • ピンぼけで    out of focus
  • ピンぼけ写真    1. cloudy picture 2. out-of-focus picture
  • ピンぼけの写真    1. blurred photo [photograph, picture] 2. blurry photo 3. out-of-focus photo
  • これ見てよ!どうして私が撮るといつもピンぼけになるの?    Look at these! I don't know why the ones I take are always out of focus!
  • 偏向    偏向 へんこう propensity tendency inclination deflection
  • ぼけ    ぼけ 惚け 呆け idiot fool touched in the head from out of it from space case Alzheimer's (impol) 木瓜 Japanese quince
  • ピントがぼけた写真    blurred photo [photograph, picture]
  • 軸方向ピッチ    axial pitch〔 【略】 AXP〕
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