I wanted to investigate this whole roadrunner culture スピード偏重の社会を調査し
The first was , how did we get so fast ? 一つ目は どのようにスピード偏重になったのか
Are starting to realize that there's too much スピード偏重の問題に
When we lean towards ordering tests 検査に偏重し 患者との
Now , if you think about スピード偏重にどのようになったか考えると
My default mode is no longer スピード偏重でも
Because he had been born in tokyo , however , and partly because of the negative impact of shochiku ' s above-mentioned policy of overemphasizing jukai , no one supported him . しかし、彼は東京生まれであり、先述した松竹の寿海偏重方針も災いして誰にも支持されていなかった。
Seikyo-sha founded a magazine , " nihonjin (the japanese )" , in april 1888 to promote nationalism in defiance of the meiji government ' s policy that overemphasized on europeanism . 明治政府による偏重した欧化主義政策を批判する立場から「国粋主義」を標榜し、1888年4月に雑誌『日本人 (雑誌)』を創刊した。
In contrast , yomeigaku tended to attach too much importance to individual morals and , against wang yangming ' s intentions , gave rise to an antiestablishment theory , which attracted those who opposed the regime . 逆に陽明学には個人道徳の問題に偏重する傾向があり、王陽明の意図に反して反体制的な理論が生まれたため、体制を反発する者が好む場合が多かった。
Many gokenin were awarded land in western japan for their service putting down the rebellion , and thereby the bakufu extended their control beyond the eastern provinces , where their power had been concentrated , into the western provinces as well . これにより、多くの御家人が西国に恩賞を得、東国に偏重していた幕府の支配が西国にも及ぶようになる。