- signing of a cease-fire
- 停戦 停戦 ていせん armistice ceasefire
- 調印 調印 ちょういん signature sign sealing
- 印 印 いん seal stamp mark print しるし mark symbol evidence
- 休戦の調印 signing of a cease-fire
- 両国は、停戦のための協定に調印した The two nations signed a truce to stop the war.
- 停戦の維持 maintenance of the cease-fire in〔~における〕
- 条約の調印 signing of the treaty
- 休戦の調印が行われ、戦闘は直ちに休止された The armistice was signed and the fighting stopped immediately.
- 停戦の条件は? What are the terms of the cease-fire accord?
- 停戦の申し出 ceasefire offer
- 停戦の見込み likelihood of a truce
- 協定の調印国 signatory to a convention
- 憲法の調印式 constitution-signing ceremony
- 条約の調印国 signatories of a treaty
- 停戦の命令を出す issue cease-fire order