冥福を祈る 1. mourn the loss of the lives of 2. offer one's sincerest prayer for the repose of someone's soul 3. pray for the repose of someone's soul 4. pray sincerely for the repose of someone's soul〔人の〕
And if i were you , i would pray for his good health . 私が お前なら... 彼の健康を祈る
What does pray for health mean ? 「健康を祈る」という意味のものは?
Godaison zo , color on silk – a buddha image that was hung in the training hall during the goshichinomishiho festival (an esoteric ritual to pray for the health of the emperor ), which was held in the imperial court from the 8th to 14th of the new year . 絹本著色五大尊像 - 宮中で正月の8日から14日までの間行われた後七日御修法(ごしちにちのみしほ:天皇の健康を祈る密教の修法)の際に道場に掛けられた仏画。
Because the word for japanese iris was pronounced same as the word for martial spirit (both were pronounced " shobu " ) and also the shape of leaves of japanese iris remind people of swords , tango was determined as the sekku for boys and people prayed for the healthy growth of boys . 鎌倉時代ごろから「菖蒲」が「尚武」と同じ読みであること、また菖蒲の葉が剣を形を連想させることなどから、端午は男の子の節句とされ、男の子の成長を祝い健康を祈るようになった。
The himuro hut is filled with snow (readying the himuro ) on the last sunday of january , taken out on june 30 (himuro-opening ) and then in kanazawa city and surrounding areas , people eat himuro manju (a bun with a bean paste filling ), which is said to imitate ice , as they pray for good health on july 1 . 1月の最終日曜日に氷室小屋に雪がつめられ(氷室の仕込み)6月30日に雪を取り出す(氷室開き)そして、金沢市とその周辺では、7月1日に氷を模したと言われる氷室饅頭を食べ健康を祈る。