Japanese food is gradually being favored again , due to rising health concerns , and yoshoku is often treated lightly by the government when it comes to " dietary education ." さらに、健康志向の高まりを背景に和食を軸にした日本型食生活へと回帰する動きも大きくなりつつあり、国が推進する「食育」においても洋食的なメニューが軽視されることが度々である。
Recently plastic bottles of green tea have become popular and more people have become health conscious , and as a result , more people drink iced tea outdoors or during exercise just like drinking water or soft drinks . 近年、ペットボトル入りの緑茶の普及と健康志向の高まりで、水やジュースなどと同じ感覚で屋外や運動中に冷えた茶を飲む例が増えている。
As factors in the situation , the following facts are mentioned , i .e ., the shift to chilled cup coffee due to the change of consumers ' tastes and the hard-fought struggle for the main product , canned coffee with milk and sugar due to people ' s expanded health consciousness , for which efforts were made to increase the demand for low-sugar , trace-sugar and sugar-free canned coffee to make up for the loss of sales . 要因としては消費者の嗜好変化によるチルドカップコーヒーへの移行、健康志向の拡大により主軸商品であるミルク・砂糖入りのカテゴリーの苦戦やそれの影響による低糖・微糖・無糖コーヒーの需要拡大による差分埋め合わせ、が挙げられている。