Prohibition against the learning straying from the right path was lifted in 1211 . 偽学禁令は嘉定 (宋)4年(1211年)に解かれた。
In the following year , an imperial decree for the prohibition against the learning straying from the right path was issued , and the do school was considered a learning straying from the right path and was oppressed . その翌年、偽学の禁の詔が出され、道学は偽学とされて弾圧を受けることになった。
In the following year , an imperial decree for the prohibition against the learning straying from the right path was issued , and the do school was considered a learning straying from the right path and was oppressed . その翌年、偽学の禁の詔が出され、道学は偽学とされて弾圧を受けることになった。