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"僅かに"の例文"僅かに" 意味


  • → わずかに
  • 僅か     僅か わずか only merely a little small quantity
  • かに     かに 蟹 crab
  •      に 荷 load baggage cargo 似 takes after (his mother) 丹 red red earth 二 two
  • 僅か    僅か わずか only merely a little small quantity
  • 僅かな    → わずかな
  • 僅かの    → わずかの
  • かに    かに 蟹 crab
  • いかに    いかに 如何に how? in what way? how much? however whatever
  • かにく    かにく 果肉 flesh of fruit
  • かにざ    かにざ 蟹座 Cancer 蠏座 (the constellation) Cancer
  • かに漁    crab fishing
  • かに缶    1. can of crab meat 2. canned crab 3. tin of crab meat
  • かに酢    vinegared crab《料理》
  • じかに    じかに 直に directly in person headlong
  • ばかに    ばかに 馬鹿に to a ridiculous extent in a foolish way


  • To make chicken and hogs grow faster .
    頻繁に食肉の値段を僅かに下げる為に 鶏や豚に投与されたのです
  • So now this led lamp here is streaming a video
    LEDランプは光の明るさを ほんの僅かに変化させることで
  • So now this led lamp here is streaming a video
    ledランプは光の明るさを ほんの僅かに変化させることで
  • Just slightly above anna's baseline reading , but above .
    アンナの基準値を ごく僅かに越えてる
  • Because lord oda doesn't have many men with him
  • Then a city which is really only twice as dense
  • Just to save a few pennies on the price of meat
    頻繁に食肉の値段を僅かに下げる為に 鶏や豚に投与されたのです
  • Do you really think even for a minute , you stood a chance ?
    僅かにでも 勝機があると思ってたか?
  • At that time yoritaka had a little more than 50 days to live .
  • 14 to starboard . 16 meters port . it rising slightly below .
    右舷 14m 左舷 16m 僅かに隆起
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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