There is an inscription in the lower part of pedestal of maitreya statue in seiryuzan yachu-ji temple: ' on april of 666 , the emperor chugu became ill and monks and 118 followers of kashiwa-dera temple made this maitreya statue to pray for his health as well as happiness of all people .' 青龍山野中寺(やちゅうじ)の弥勒像台座の下框(かまち)部分には「丙寅年四月大旧八日癸卯開記 栢寺智識之等詣中宮天皇大御身労坐之時 請願之奉弥勒御像也 友等人数一百十八 是依六道四生人等此教可相之也」という陰刻がある。
Historical sources about shotoku taishi include " nihonshoki " (vol . 22 , suikoki ), ' sangyo gisho ,' ' tenjukoku shucho ' (tenjukoku mandala shucho ), ' the halo inscription of the statue of yakushi zo in horyu-ji temple ,' ' the halo inscription of the statue of shaka sanson zo in horyu-ji temple ,' ' the text written in sumi inside the pedestal of the statue of shaka sanson zo in horyu-ji temple ,' ' dogo yuokahimeibun (=iyo yuokahibun , recorded in the iyo no kuni fudoki itsubun )' , ' hokijito robanmei ,' " joguki ," and " jogu shotoku hoo teisetsu ." 聖徳太子については『日本書紀(巻22推古紀)』、「三経義疏」、「天寿国繍帳(天寿国曼荼羅繍帳)」、「法隆寺薬師像光背銘文」、「法隆寺釈迦三尊像光背銘文」、「法隆寺釈迦三尊像台座内墨書」、「道後湯岡碑銘文(=伊予湯岡碑文、伊予国風土記逸文に記録。)」、「法起寺塔露盤銘」、『上宮記』、『上宮聖徳法王帝説』などの歴史的資料がある。