In ancient times in japan , it meant to join priesthood with tonsure under the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ). 日本の古代、律令制度下において、剃髪して僧籍に入ること。
Reputed to be brilliant from an early age , he entered kennin-ji temple in kyoto to study buddhism in 1595 , but refused to enter the priesthood and returned to his family . 小さい頃から秀才としてうたわれ、文禄4年(1595年)京都建仁寺で仏教を学ぶが、僧籍に入る(出家する)のは拒否し家に戻る。
Kunimatsu toyotomi , hideyori ' s son was captured when he was hiding and executed , and naahime , hideyori ' s daughter had her life spared on condition that she would enter the priesthood . 秀頼の子の豊臣国松は潜伏している所を捕らえられて処刑、また娘の奈阿姫は僧籍に入ることで助命された。
Furthermore , after the mid heian period , it became common practice that artisans specialized in buddhist subjects were ordained as monks and entered on the register of a buddhist sect; they were thus distinguished from general artisans or those working for the imperial court . 更に平安時代中期以後、仏教関連の専門の工匠も僧籍に入る習慣が生まれ、宮廷あるいは一般を対象とした工匠との区別が図られるようになった。