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  • recall the affection and words in〔~の〕
  • しい     しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
  • 気持     気持 きもち feeling sensation mood
  • 持ち     持ち もち hold charge keep possession in charge wear durability life draw usage
  • 言葉     言葉 ことば word(s) language speech
  • 思い     思い おもい thought mind heart feelings emotion sentiment love affection desire
  • 出す     出す だす to put out to send to start (fire)
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 優しい     優しい やさしい tender kind gentle graceful affectionate amiable suave
  • 気持ち     気持ち きもち feeling sensation mood
  • 思い出     思い出 おもいで memories recollections reminiscence
  • 思い出す     思い出す おもいだす to recall to remember
  • 優しい気持ち     1. affection 2. niceness 3. warm feeling
  • 言葉を思い出す     think about what someone said〔人の〕
  • 言葉を思い出す    think about what someone said〔人の〕
  • 優しい気持ち    1. affection 2. niceness 3. warm feeling
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