Zhou shen , wen zheng ming , to in and jo i who left excellent achievements in literati paintings are the typical bunjin of this period . この時代は文人画で優れた業績を遺した沈周・文徴明・唐寅・徐渭などが代表的な文人として挙げられる。
The kyoto prize in the category of basic sciences is a prize awarded to an scientist for outstanding achievements in his or her respective field . 京都賞基礎科学部門(きょうとしょうきそかがくぶもん)は、京都賞の一部門であり、優れた業績を上げた科学者に与えられる賞である。
He served with distinction as a local government official behind and is said to have been respected by local people during his time as the governor of bingo and iyo provinces . また地方官としての優れた業績を残し、備後守・伊予守時代では民に慕われたという。
The kyoto prize in the category of advanced technology is one of the categories of the kyoto prize , and is given to a scientist who achieved great results . 京都賞先端技術部門(きょうとしょうせんたんぎじゅつぶもん)は、京都賞の一部門であり、優れた業績を上げた科学者に与えられる賞である。
The kyoto prize in the category of arts and philosophy is a prize awarded to an artist or philosopher for outstanding achievements in his or her respective field . 京都賞思想・芸術部門(きょうとしょうしそう・げいじゅつぶもん)は、京都賞の一部門であり、優れた業績を上げた芸術家や思想家に与えられる賞である。
He achieved great performance while he was holding the positions of naikan (a government official who resides in kyoto ) and gekan (local government official ), and then he was raised to jushiinojo (junior fourth rank , higher grade ) and was appointed sangi (councilor ). 内官(在朝官人)と下官(地方官)で優れた業績を残し、従四位上・参議となった。