- 1. brilliant artist
2. leading artist
- 芸術 芸術 げいじゅつ (fine) art the arts
- 家 家 いえ house うち house (one's own) け house family
- 優れた 優れた すぐれた great excellent
- 芸術家 芸術家 げいじゅつか artist
- 優れた芸術 high art
- 優れた芸術 high art
- 優れた芸術性 great artistry
- その街に心を動かされた芸術家は多くの優れた作品を生み出した。 The city inspired the artist to do a lot of good work.
- 優れた芸術に必要なこと what must be necessary for good art
- その当時は、多くの優れた芸術家たちが素晴らしい作品を作っていた。 In those days, there were many magnificent artists doing extraordinary works.
- 傑出した芸術家 prominent artist
- 円熟した芸術家 mature artist
- 卓越した芸術家 preeminent artist
- 熟達した芸術家 accomplished artist
- 際立った芸術家 outstanding artist
- As i later learned .
とても優れた芸術家でした - Among them are various productions including great works that left their mark on cinema history , highly talked about productions as well as productions that received little praise , but from the viewpoint that ' a highly talented artist produces many creations ,' it can be said that he possesses an outstanding talent .