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  • person of high integrity
  • 誠実     誠実 せいじつ sincere honest faithful
  • 人物     人物 じんぶつ character personality person man personage talented man
  •      物 もの thing object
  • 優れて     優れて すぐれて exceedingly conspicuously by far
  • 誠実な人     a man of integrity
  • 極めて誠実な人物    person of the utmost integrity
  • 極めて誠実な人    person of great integrity
  • トムは実に誠実な人物だ    Tom is a very genuine person.
  • 誠実な人々    good men and true
  • 実に誠実な人    person of absolute honesty
  • 彼女は心底信用できる誠実な人物だ    She's a sincere person whom you can really trust.
  • 不誠実な     不誠実な adj. insincere 誠意のない, 不誠実な;不まじめな;偽善的な(?sincere) *dishonest (人が)不正直な, 不誠実な, 不まじめな;(言動が)不正[ごまかし]の(?honest) faithless 《文》〔…に〕不誠実な, 不貞な〔to〕(?faithful)∥ a notoriously faithless man 不誠実で評判のやつ. (
  • 不誠実な 1    mala fide 不誠実な 2 【形】 1. crocodilian 2. disingenuous 3. double-faced 4. faithless 5. false 6. false-hearted 7. hollow-hearted 8. insincere 9. lowdown 10. painted 11. perfidious 12. treacherous 13.
  • 不誠実な女    untrustworthy woman
  • 恋に誠実な    loyal in one's love
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