They're spectacular ; they can do everything wonderfully well . 実に素晴らしい 優秀なものです
They're spectacular ; they can do everything wonderfully well . 実に素晴らしい 優秀なものです
And in a short time , its analytical power will be greater than the collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world . 知的能力は 歴史上のあらゆる人物の 知力を合計したよりも さらに優秀なものと なるでしょう
The most outstanding of the jugonshi was appointed jugon hakase , who would then work to train and cultivate the jugonsei (apprentice sorcerers , for whom there were six fixed positions in the government ), who were chosen from among the families of doctors or pharmacists . 呪禁師の中で優秀なものが呪禁博士に任ぜられ、医師の家や薬部の家から選ばれた呪禁生(定員6名)の育成に努めた。
Under the ritsuryo system , the jugonshi were considered indispensable for their spells , their medical treatments of the sick and their efforts to make childbirth safer , and the most outstanding from among the jugonshi was appointed jugon hakase (master sorcerer , with only one such fixed position ); the jugon hakase worked to train and cultivate the jugonsei (apprentice sorcerers , for whom six fixed positions existed ). 律令制においては呪禁も病気治療や安産のために欠かせないものとされ、呪禁師の中で優秀なものは呪禁博士(定員1名)に任ぜられ、呪禁生(定員6名)の育成に努めた。