Shall we put your superiority to the test once and for all ? 最後に君の優越性を 試してみようか?
National ethnic faction: advocating the national and ethnic superiority of ancient germanic peoples . 国粋民族派 太古ゲルマン人の国粋的・民族的優越性を主張。
Atsutane ' s ideas influenced both the development of the sonno joi (revere the emperor , expel the barbarians ) ideology at the end of the edo period as well as the principle of kokujun (keeping japan ' s culture pure ) and kokokukan (the theory that japanese history is centered around japan ' s emperors ), both of which stressed the preeminence of japan . 彼の思想は江戸時代後期の尊皇攘夷思想にも影響し、日本固有の文化を求めるため、日本の優越性を主張する国粋主義や皇国史観にも影響を与えた。