The result of this examination was called edo nyushin (the amount of shipments arriving edo-wan port ) and was utilized by the bakufu to control the economic condition of edo market and investigated the situation of transportation . この調査結果は江戸入津と呼ばれ、幕府が江戸市中の経済状態を市場操作したり、国内の移入移出の実態を調べるのに活用された。
Sadanobu matsudaira continued the production restriction decree of sake brewing to one-third in the tenmei era as part of the kansei reform and severely limited the edo nyushin of kudarizake because he thought that ' people would not drink sake if it does not come in .' 松平定信は寛政の改革の一環として天明の三分の一造り令を継続するとともに、「酒などというものは入荷しなければ民も消費しない」との考えのもとに下り酒の江戸入津を著しく制限した。
The examples of measures include ' establishment of the sakekabu ' (an official certificate of sake brewing ), ' prohibition of sake other than sake made in the winter ,' ' tenmei revision of the sakekabu system ,' ' introduction of business taxes on the sakekabu ,' ' restrictions on port entry of sake shipped from kyoto and osaka to edo ' and so on as the restriction decrees and ' horeki katte-zukuri decree (the deregulation policy to promote sake brewing ), ' ' permission of sake brewed by the domains ' and so on as promotion decrees . 政策内容を見ると、制限令としては「酒株の設定」「寒造り以外の禁」「酒株天明の酒株改め」「酒株運上金の導入の導入」「下り酒の江戸入津制限」などが、奨励令としては「酒株宝暦の勝手造り令」「藩造酒の許可」などがある。