You think you can toy with us ? get him ! 首を失ったからこそ 君はこの世に具現化することができたのではないか? とね
Simply put , the receptive character is a personality who realizes the group's will . 受容人格とは 簡単に言うと 民意を具現化する性格
In addition , the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based upon the ritsuryo code ) was introduced to realize control by the emperor , producing taiho ritsuryo (the taiho code ) in the early eighth century . 併せて、天皇支配を具現化するために律令制の導入を進め、8世紀初頭の大宝律令制定に結実した。
Not a few fanciers have an obsession with fundoshi as something that realizes an ideal image of a japanese man who will exclude vanity and won ' t swim with the current of the times to seek the essence by wearing fundoshi . 褌を着用することで、虚飾を排し、時流に流されることなく本質を求道する理想の日本人男子像を具現化するものとして、褌にこだわりを抱く愛好家は少なくない。
There are lots of devotees who consider that wearing the fundoshi loincloth is the way to portray the ideal image of a japanese man who pursues essence without being influenced by the flow of times , doing away with all ostentation . 褌を着用することで、虚飾を排し、時流に流されることなく本質を求道する理想の日本人男子像を具現化するものとして、褌にこだわりを抱く愛好家は少なくない。
In order to realize the intentions and orders of the emperor reliably , a highly refined system was established , with orders carried out by the bureaucracy in accordance with a rigid hierarchy where each government office and official ' s duties and responsibilities were clearly defined . 天子の意思命令を確実に具現化するため、各官庁と官僚の責任と任務を明確に区分し、精密に規定された階級に従って、命令を実行に移していく官僚制が、高度な体系の下に構築された。