There is no specific set pattern but as a typical example , the volume of those bentos are set in the ratio of 4 ,3 ,2 ,1: 特に決まった様式があるわけではないが、一つの典型的な例として4321を比率とする分量で作られている。
There are various methods of yose , but a typical method is to do work of ' gathering ' ( ' yoseru ' in japanese ) toward the center with a kai while making the soy milk in the pail react with the bittern . さまざまな寄せの方法があるが、典型的な例として、桶の中の豆乳をにがりと反応させながら、櫂で中心に「寄せる」作業を行う。
As a typical example , a leading character who is forced to select either to take heed of his family and his lord or to fulfill his forbidden love affairs cannot help but commit suicide with his lover in order to be released from the dilemma (as depicted , for instance , in a series of drama written by monzaemon chikamatsu .) 典型的な例として、主人公は自分の家族、大名、禁じられた恋愛との選択に迫られた場合に、唯一の窮地からの解決として、心中をする(例:近松もの)。