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  • subinfeudation
  • よる     よる 拠る to be due to to be caused by 夜 evening night 選る to choose to select 因る
  • 土地     土地 とち plot of land lot soil
  • 地所     地所 じしょ estate
  • 所有     所有 しょゆう one's possessions ownership
  •      権 けん authority the right (to do something)
  • 再授封     subinfeudation
  • による     による 似寄る to resemble by means of due to because of according to
  • 所有権     所有権 しょゆうけん ownership dominion
  • 土地所有     1. land ownership 2. landholding 3. landowning 4. ownership of land 5.
  • 土地所有権     1. dominion directum〈ラテン語〉〔地主の〕 2. land ownership 3.
  • 土地所有権の範囲    extension of land ownership
  • 土地所有権移転    land transfer
  • 再授封    subinfeudation
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