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"切る"の例文"切る" 意味"切る" 中国語の意味


  • 切る
    to cut
    to chop
    to hash
    to carve
    to saw
    to clip
    to shear
    to slice
    to strip
    to fell
    to cut down
    to punch
    to sever (connections)
    to pause
    to break off
    to disconnect
    to turn off
    to hang up
    to cross (a street)
    to discount
    to sell below cost
    to shake (water) off
    to finish
    to be through
    to complete
  • 仕切る    仕切る しきる to partition to divide to mark off to settle accounts to toe the mark
  • 値切る    値切る ねぎる to drive a bargain to beat down the price to haggle
  • 出切る    出切る できる to be out of to have no more at hand
  • 切る 1    1. hew up 2. put off 3. switch off 切る 2 【形】 secant 切る 3 【自動】 1. chop 2. clip 切る 4 【他動】 1. chip 2. chop 3. clip 4. cut 5. sever 6. snig〈方〉 切る 5 break《ゴルフ》〔スコアがあるポイントを〕 {他動} 切る 6 chop in [i
  • 切る〔爪を〕     【他動】 pare
  • 切る人    hewer
  • 区切る    区切る くぎる to punctuate to cut off to mark off to stop to put an end to
  • 千切る    千切る ちぎる to cut up fine to pick (fruit)
  • 句切る    句切る くぎる to punctuate to cut off to mark off to stop to put an end to
  • 喰切る    喰切る pinch off[化学]; shear off[化学]
  • 打切る    打切る truncate[機械]
  • 横切る    横切る よこぎる to cross (e.g. arms) to traverse
  • 裏切る    裏切る うらぎる to betray to turn traitor to to double-cross
  • 見切る    見切る みきる to see everything to abandon to sell at a loss
  • 間切る    間切る まぎる to plow through (a wave) to tack (against the wind)


  • If he wanted to betray us , he already would have .
    奴が裏切るのなら すでに裏切っている
  • You have ten seconds before i give you a sanitation .
    どかないと 違反切符を切るわよ
  • Will you betray her again , jorah the andal ?
    また彼女を裏切るのか? アンダル人のジョラウよ
  • We tried to use that idea of a gradient color
    私達は ビルの表面を 構造体が横切るかのような-
  • The great thing is , when you cut something in half
    素晴らしいことに 何かを半分に切る
  • We can violate your expectations on representation
  • I'll turn that oxygen machine off , i tell you now .
  • Like he was wearing a long coat ... made a noise in the wind .
  • I'll cut the electricity and meet you at the lake .
    電気を切る 湖で落ち合おう イヤよ
  • From here on , i will be managing this hospital .
    これからは 俺が この病院を仕切るんだ。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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