- statement of retained earnings
- 利益 利益 りえき profits gains (political, economic) interest
- 余剰 余剰 よじょう redundant surplus residue balance
- 計算 計算 けいさん calculation reckoning
- 計算書 計算書 けいさんしょ statement of account
- 利益剰余金計算書 1. earned surplus statement 2. statement of earned surplus
- 現金計算書 cash statement
- 剰余金計算書 1. statement of retained profits 2. statement of surplus 3. surplus schedule 4. surplus statement
- 欠損金計算書 1. deficit statement 2. statement of deficit
- 資本剰余金計算書 1. capital surplus statement 2. statement of capital surplus
- 連結剰余金計算書 1. Consolidated Earned Surplus Statement 2. consolidated statement of retained earnings 3. consolidated surplus statement
- 連結資金計算書 consolidated funds statement
- 純利益計算書 net worth statement
- 利益処分計算書 appropriation statement
- 包括的利益計算書 statement of comprehensive income
- 留保利益計算書 retained earnings statement