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  • adopt a system of〔~の〕


  • On the other hand , he homogenized farmer ' s burden through the introduction of the land area system and succeeded in earning stable revenues from nengu (land taxes ) by revising the taxation method from kemi-ho (annual crop inspections ) to jomen-ho (a fixed tax rate ).
  • For this reason , on june 25 , 1866 , western countries and the edo bakufu concluded a kaizeiyakusho , promising to maintain the current currency level fixed during the manen era (end of the edo period ) for the moment for the equivalent exchange of domestic and overseas currency and it ' s stabilization , and that in the future japan would adopt a currency system that corresponds with the international level .
  • On october 23 , 1867 , the edo bakufu made reform by introducing a system to collect a half of the territory revenue instead of the abolished military service system applied to hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu ) and gokenin (vassals ) while integrating yakuryo , tashidaka (supplementary stipends ), yakuryo and yakubuchi (monthly salaries ) paid to those who were in hoi and higher positions (from jushiinojo [junior fourth rank , upper grade ] upper grade ) to jugoinoge [junior fifth rank , lower grade ]) into yakikin .
    慶応3年9月26日 (旧暦)(1867年10月23日)に江戸幕府は旗本・御家人に対する軍役を廃して代わりに所領収益の半分を軍役金として徴収する制度を導入するとともに、布衣以上の役料・足高・役料・役扶持を全て役金に統一する改革を行った。
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