As for daikon radish , hot varieties known as karami (hot ) daikon and nezumi (rat ) daikon are sometimes used . 大根はときには、辛味大根、ねずみ大根とよばれる刺激の強いものを用いる。
Today , the original meaning of kaiseki , which is entertaining guests , has faded away and it means such practical things as a light meal or similar japanese multi-course meal served at tea parties which is served to avoid drinking strong tea on an empty stomach and has no connection to the appreciation of tea . 現代では茶道においても共通する客をもてなす本来の懐石の意味が廃れ、茶会の席上で空腹のまま刺激の強い茶を飲むことを避け、茶をおいしく味わう上で差し支えのない程度の軽食や類似の和食コース料理を指すといった実利的な意味に変化している。