To create intelligent , meaningful and extraordinary work . it's now . 知的で有意義なすばらしいものを創作する時なのです
They cannot create art . 芸術を創作することもできない
Other than togi , there is also a performance group that uses gagaku instruments and an art group that creates modern gagaku music with a focus on the analysis and study of music theory , etc . また東儀の他に、雅楽器も用いた演奏集団、音楽理論の分析・研究に重点を置き現代的雅楽曲を創作する、芸術団体などがある。
It is known that the government erased undesirable facts from " shoku nihongi " (chronicle of japan continued ), and they seemed to consider that it was better than making up lies . 政権が望まない事実を削除したことは後続の『続日本紀』に例があり、まったくの嘘を創作することと比べれば抵抗が少なかったと思われる。
His achievements are noteworthy; especially in " kirare yosa ," he established the bases of the sewa kyogen (a category of plays depicting the people ' s common life ) in the end of edo period by introducing seven-and-five syllabic rhythmical dialogues prior to another kabuki playwright mokuami , and in the " sakura gimin den " he created the first peasant play in japan . とくに『切られ与三』では七五調の台詞を黙阿弥に先駆けて使用して幕末期の世話狂言の基本を築き、『佐倉義民伝』では日本最初の農民劇を創作するなどの功績をあげている。