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"加算税"の例文"加算税" 意味


  • 加算税
    additional tax
  • 加算     加算 かさん add addition
  •      1. due 2. duty 3. tax 4. tax charge
  • 重加算税    重加算税 じゅうかさんぜい heavy additional tax(ation)
  • 不納付加算税    additional tax on non-payment
  • 未納付加算税    additional tax on nonpayment
  • 過少申告加算税    1. additional tax due to understatement 2. additional tax for deficient returns
  • 加算    加算 かさん add addition
  • 像加算    image integration
  • 加算値    additional value
  • 加算器    加算器 かさんき adder (written) adding machine
  • 加算性    additivity
  • 加算機    加算機 かさんき adder (written) adding machine
  • 加算点    加算点 summing point[機械]〈97B0155:工業プロセス計測制御用語及び定義〉; summing point[電情]
  • 加算表    1. addition table 2. tally sheet
  • 加算金    additional amount


  • Setsuko , the representative director of izumi soke co ., denied the suspicion by saying " it is the case that tax inspection was conducted and difference of views existed , but the company has no off-the-book account ," but the company was imposed reportedly over \100m of back taxes including a penalty for tax evasion .
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