動かす 動かす うごかす to move to shift to set in motion to operate to inspire to rouse to influence to mobilize to deny to change
I don't believe in anything that rocks the world . 世界を動かすものは 何も信じない
Interesting is what we really were emoting to 見たときに心を本当に動かすものは何か
To find out what moves you most 一番心を動かすものを探し出し
One of my driving passions 私の情熱を突き動かすものの一つが、
Eat yourself to death ! 己を突き動かすものは 信念!
I've been trying to figure out if there's anything in this world you care about . あなたが心を動かすものを 私は捜しました
As we develop increased relationship to who's in the driver seat , what happens is that here is a synergy , it's a symbiotic relationship , that our inner lives are actually able to be more in tandem of we're choosing to go 関係を持つことが、当然必要です。 自分を動かすものと関係を深めていくと、相乗効果が起こります。 精神生活が、人間の選択する道に、 もっと歩調をあわせていく、そして、人間が