In particular , there was cape wada to the west of tomari and thus the ocean waves were safe when the wind was in the west , but when in the southeast the ships were often wrecked because the southeast direction of tomari was open to the ocean . とくに、泊の西方向には和田岬があって西風の波浪には安全であったが、南東方向は海にひらけており南東風のため諸船がしばしば難破した。
Considering the importance of owada no tomari , kiyomori built an artificial island in front of the port because , as mentioned before , traditionally the southeast wind and wave often destroyed the port facilities , and to build a safe dock , he began the reconstruction work by spending his own money . 大輪田泊の重要性を深くみとめた清盛は、上述したように、従来、南東風による風浪が港湾施設を破壊することが多かったため、湊の前面に人工島を築いて安全な碇泊地を設けようと、私費を投じて修築工事に着手した。