発言を許される 1. be allowed to speak 2. be recognized 3. catch the Speaker's eye
Naosuke ii was assassinated in the sakuradamongai incident and shungaku was allowed to join the shogunate government in 1862 . 井伊直弼は桜田門外の変で暗殺され、春嶽は文久2年(1862年)に幕政への参加を許される。
Influential figures among the yuhitsu were called gozenbugyonin (also gozenshu , gozensatashu and onshokatashu ) and were allowed to participate in gozensata (shogunal hearings ) that were presided over by the seii taishogun (literally , " great general who subdues the barbarians " ). 征夷大将軍が主宰する御前沙汰にも御前奉行人(御前衆・御前沙汰衆・恩賞方衆)と呼ばれる右筆中の有力者が参加を許されるようになった。