A type of merchant that conducts commission businesses . - 取次を営業としておこなう商人のひとつ。
A type of merchant that conducts commission businesses . - 取次を営業としておこなう商人のひとつ。
In september 1826 , he was appointed as toritsugiyaku (liaison ). 同9年には取次役となった。
To mediate the visit from the imperial family to the emperor and the empress; 皇族が天皇皇后を訪問する場合の取次ぎを行う
Other bugyo were set up to negotiate and mediate with certain strong temples and shrines . その他、特定の有力寺社との折衝・取次を担当する奉行が別途設置されていた。
Indenso (introducing officer ): they were in charge of relaying various messages to the retired emperor . 院伝奏…上皇に各方面からの奏請を取次ぐ役。
And as mentioned above , it was sanetoshi that relayed many bukeshisso by the muromachi bakufu shogun . 上記の室町幕府将軍による武家執奏を多く取次したのも実俊であった。
The income of toiya are charges for the service , paid from consignors for toiya undertaking commissions . 問屋の収入は、取次の引受けに対して委託者が支払う手数料である。
In case the latter called warifuda (a divided ticket ), an actual ticket was held by an agent and purchasers were given temporal tickets . 後者は割札といい、本札は取次人の手に留めて仮札をもらう。
April 18 , 1751 - changed to one of close shogunate attendants to informing him of visitors and conveying messages (toritsugi osobashu ). 宝暦元年(1751年)4月18日 - 御側御用取次側衆に異動。