名のる の英語
名の 1. in the person of 2. man by the name of〔~という〕 のる のる 乗る 載る to get on to ride in to board to mount to get up on to spreadる る 僂 bend over のる のる 乗る 載る to get on to ride in to board to mount to get up on to spread (paints) to be taken in to share in to join to be found in (a dictionary) to feel like doing to be mentioned in to be in harmon名の 1. in the person of 2. man by the name of〔~という〕 いのる いのる 祈る to pray to wish つのる つのる 募る to invite to solicit help, participation, etc なのる なのる 名乗る to call oneself (name, label, etc) 名のる to give one's name みのる みのる 実る to bear fruit to ripen いいつのる いいつのる 言い募る to argue vehemently うまにのる うまにのる 馬に乗る to get on (mount) a horse かぜにのる かぜにのる 風に乗る to ride upon the winds このるい このるい この類 this kind ずにのる ずにのる 図に乗る to push a good thing too far とびのる とびのる 跳び乗る to jump upon (a moving object) 飛び乗る to jump on
He then returned to secular life and named himself yoshinobu . 還俗し義宣と名のる 。 He settled in mikawa province and named his family as miyake . 三河国に定着し、三宅を名のる 。 He took the name ' doton ' after undergoing the tonsure . 剃髪後「道頓」と名のる 。 That's okay , i'm not worthy of that .名のる ほどの者では ありません。 The last monster hunter . 最後のモンスターハンターを名のる ことを 許された There was a master of heiho (art of warfare ), he called himself ganryu . 爰に兵術の達人、岩流と名のる 有り。 The name doesnt matter . <村正と名のる 男のもと➡ He became a disciple of eiku in kurodani valley at mt . hiei-zan , and he took the name ' honen-bo genku .' 比叡山黒谷の叡空に師事して「法然房源空」と名のる 。 The god names himself saying ' i am the god of wakeikazuchi in charge of protecting the imperial palace .' 「われはこれ王城を守る君臣の道 別雷の神なり」と名のる 。 Enter hossho-bo , the supporting part , and he calls himself ' the head priest of enryaku-ji temple in mt . hiei ' . ワキの法性坊が登場、「比叡山延暦寺の座主」と名のる 。