It is a celebrated sword and is deeply connected to ogres . 鬼と縁が深い名刀である。
Moreover , numbers of famous swords went abroad . また多くの名刀が海外に流出した。
Famous sword dragon slayer 名刀 ドラゴンスレイヤーが 突き刺さっております
Ieyasu also praised nobumasa by giving him the famous sword daihanya nagamitsu . 家康もまた、名刀大般若長光を授けて信昌を賞賛した。
Nobutora possessed a noted sword ' soza samonji ,' which was handed down to yoshimoto imagawa . 名刀「宗三左文字」を所有しており、今川義元に伝わる。
It is one of five celebrated swords in the country , and said to be the most superb one along with the great kanehira sword . 天下五剣の一つで、大包平と並んで最も優れた名刀とされている。
These burned noted swords were quenched again by yasutsugu echizen the first , many of which are in existence today . これら名刀の焼身は初代越前康継の手によって焼き直され、その姿を今に残すものも多い。
Although yorimitsu suffered from the illness , he slashed at the monk with his noted " hizamaru " sword , and the monk ran away; 頼光が病床にもかかわらず名刀・膝丸で斬りつけると、僧は逃げ去った。
Matsudaira family of tsuyama domain passed down the three noted swords of dojigiri , inabago and ishida masamune as family treasures . 津山松平家では、この童子切と稲葉郷、石田正宗の3振の名刀を家宝として伝えた。
Ieyasu tokugawa had people look for noted swords including yoshimitsu and masamune which were burned or lost in osaka natsu no jin . 徳川家康は大阪夏の陣に際し、焼け身、紛失した吉光や正宗を始めとする名刀を探させた。