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"命令"の例文"命令" 意味"命令" 中国語の意味


  • 命令
    (software) instruction
  • acl命令    ACL命令 ACL instruction[電情]
  • else命令    ELSE命令 ELSE instruction[電情]
  • svc命令    SVC命令 supervisor call instruction[電情]
  • 仮命令    1. interim order 2. order nisi 3. preliminary ruling 4. presumptive instruction 5. provisional order 6. rule nisi 7. unmodified instruction
  • 命令 1    1. attention to orders 2. behest〈古〉 3. bidding 4. charge 5. commandment 6. commission 7. decree 8. dictate 9. dictum 10. direction〔通例 directions〕 11. directive 12. edict 13. hest〈古〉 14. imperative 1
  • 命令だ!    That's an order!〔親→子、または上司→部下〕
  • 命令の     【形】 1. mandatory 2. ordering 3. orderly
  • 命令域    命令域 instruction area[電情]
  • 命令形    命令形 めいれいけい imperative mood
  • 命令文    命令文 めいれいぶん imperative sentence
  • 命令日    rule day
  • 命令書    命令書 めいれいしょ decree directive
  • 命令欄    命令欄 operation field[電情]
  • 命令法    命令法 めいれいほう imperative mood
  • 命令簿    orderly book


  • Bro , that's a weird order . that was my hamburger .
    変な命令だ ハンバーガー作るのか?
  • Back then , i just did as i was told .
    仕方なかったんだ あの当時 上からの命令は 絶対だったからな
  • But that directive needs to be made permanent .
    しかし その命令を 恒久化する必要があります
  • Do you know the last order the mad king gave me ?
  • Neither do i . you're the cag , act like one .
    そうじゃない あなたは指揮官なの命令しなさい
  • And send his commands to the controls , the motors
    命令を制御装置 そしてモーターへと送り
  • If that's what the doctor ordered , i ... oh , yeah .
  • If that's what the doctor ordered , i ... oh , yeah .
  • If that's what the doctor ordered , i ... oh , yeah .
  • Whatever your orders , i'm on it . i mean , to the word .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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