工作法 工作法 execution of work[機械]; execution of work[航宇]
Consequently , the anticipated peace initiative faded away . このため折角の和平工作は立ち消えとなってしまった。
Daihachi yoshida who acted as his replacement guide for the ou chinbushi was actively engaged in peace initiatives . 奥羽鎮撫使先導役名代となった吉田大八は、和平工作を活発に行った。
Moreover , wang zhaoming founded his pro-japanese administration , thwarting the personal peace operation of kanji ishiwara . 更に、汪兆銘政権を樹立し、石原莞爾らの独自和平工作を完全に阻止した。
During this time , he made a peace overture through song ziwen , and an agreement was reached between konoe and chiang kai-shek . この間に宋子文を通じて和平工作を行い、近衛と蒋との間で合意が成立した。
Konoe also asked kazushige ugaki to be foreign minister , but he failed to adequately support ugaki ' s peace overtures . この際に近衛は、宇垣一成を外相に迎えたが、宇垣の和平工作を十分に助けようとしなかった。
Koyasan did not intend to oppose nobunaga at all and continued pacification , such as a petition to the imperial court and sending a messenger to apologize to nobunaga . 高野山には全面対決の意思はなく、朝廷に嘆願したり信長にも謝罪の使者を送ったりと和平工作を継続していた。
He realized that continuing the battle was disadvantageous and tried to release captives shishido and odamura on his own , who were the chief retainers of the choshu domain and attempted to create an advantageous peace pact . やがて戦争継続の不利を悟り、捕虜にしていた長州藩の宍戸・小田村両家老を独断で釈放し、有利な和平工作を試みた。