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  • in peace


  • Yes , but they've all been resolved peacefully .
    はい しかし その全てが 和解しております
  • Yes , but they've all been resolved peacefully .
    はい しかし その全てが 和解しております
  • Just make up with dad and take an executive position
    親父と和解して 役員に入ってくれないか
  • He made his peace with the business aspects , you know ?
    ウィックは ビジネスの面では 和解してたんだ
  • He made his peace with the business aspects , you know ?
    ウィックは ビジネスの面では 和解してたんだ
  • Some contemptible junkie who couldn't keep the peace for eight hours .
    和解して8時間しか たってない
  • Sakihisa konoe , after yoshiaki was expelled from kyoto , reconciled with nobunaga and came back to kyoto .
    近衛前久 義昭追放後、信長と和解して帰京。
  • They settled peacefully then and he returned to omi , and shigemasa adopted yoshikata as his son and taught him the family secret techniques .
  • Just after the succession to family headship , around 1532 , he fought against tatsukatsu/michikatsu oda of master ' s house , but they were reconciled later .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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